Lyrics - K to S


Directory to the songs on this page:

Ocillating Rhythms Open My Eyes
Rita Rose Sarve Prayer
Shanti Singing Star


Oscillating Rhythms

I'm soothed away from despondent times
Rocking back and forth on these railroad lines

Oscillating rhythms are jilty for some
For me this rhythm is what I've become
With you
Connecting with you

Throttle and lever, liter and rail
I watch your face as it tells the tale
We tried find a common ground
In an oscillating world turned upside down

Oscillating rhythms are jilty for some
For me this rhythm is what I've become
With you
Connecting with you

I'm soothed away from despondent times
Rocking back and forth on these railroad lines
The rail is straight and steady here
Love it seems is the engineer

Oscillating rhythms are jilty for some
For me this rhythm is what I've become
With you
Connecting with you

Open My Eyes

Could it be true
That this old fool
Is seeing from a private view
Thinking this is only true

Open my eyes
Open my eyes
So I can see what’s real
So I begin to feel

I see the trust
The awe, the calm
I see you have no private view
Believing what you think as true

Open my eyes
Open my eyes
So I can see what’s real
So I begin to feel

My broken heart
Falling apart
Trying to see a different view
Not believing thoughts are true

Open my eyes
Open my eyes
So I can see what’s real
So I begin to feel

Rita Rose

Let me do it
It’s so simple
You just sit right down

Have a drink now
I have to think now…
What will you need?

Give me a hug please
And a great big squeeze
Can’t do without your love
Heaven knows, Rita Rose!

I can cook now
Are you hungry?
A pillow for your feet?

Can I serve you?
What’s your news now?
How have you been (my sweet)?

Give me a hug please
And a great big squeeze
Can’t do without your love
Heaven knows, Rita Rose!

Let me do it
Can I serve you?
How have you been?

Have a drink now
Are you hungry?
A pillow for your feet?

Give me a hug please
And a great big squeeze
Can’t do without your love
Heaven knows, Rita Rose!

Sarve Prayer

Sarve bhavantu sukhinah
Sarve santu niramayah
Sarve bhandrani pasyantu
ma kascid duhkhabhagbhavet

All be Happy
All be free
All be free of disease
All creatures have well being
All creature have no misery


Antariksam Santih
Prthivi Santih
Apah Santih
Osadhayah Santih
Vanas patayah Santih
Visvedevah Santih
Brahma Santih
Sarvam Santih
Santir eva Santih

In heaven peace.
In the space between, peace.
On earth peace.
On the waters peace.
In plants peace.
In trees peace.
Peace in all powers.
In Spirit peace.
Peace in everything.
Peace alone peace.

Singing Star

Always wanted to be singing star
With Lots of words that teach
Insights that highlight
Some kind of appetite
For how things might be

Always wanted to play
From the heart
Let the soul shout out
But the mind couldn’t find
Some kind of appetite
For how things might be

Always wanted to be a singing star
Make people think
There’s hope and faith for
Some kind of appetite
For how things might be

La, la, la ...

Always wanted to be a singing star
I didn’t know it wasn’t far
I needed insight and an appetite
For a spot light

La, la, la ...